French Waterfall Updo

French Waterfall Updo

I hope you have a nice day,      Today I braided my hair in a waterfall braid, and drew the sections of my waterfall braid into a French braid.  I love the intricate look this hairstyle has, especially as I know just how easy it was to create!     ...
Micronesian Girl~ Little Princess Hairstyle

Micronesian Girl~ Little Princess Hairstyle

Good Morning Everyone, I have a friend a Micronesian friend. She had such a beautiful hairstyle, we wanted to share it with our friends here on my blog :-)  I love hairstyles that bring several braids together into one.  What a cute look for a little girl!    ...
French braid in the sunshine

French braid in the sunshine

Good Morning Friends, What a beautiful sunny morning, perfect for taking hair pictures. Today my hairstyle was a simple off-centered French braid. I looped the length of my braid up and wore it over one shoulder. ...
At Graceland~ hair pictures by Elvis' plane and more!

At Graceland~ hair pictures by Elvis' plane and more!

Hello Friends, I am so glad to visit the home of Elvis Presley in person. I never would have imagined that one day I would take hair pictures with Elvis' plane in the background :-) ******** Everything Elvis~ I especially love the red pumps <3 Poolside I still have...
Dutch side ponytail, my new favorite

Dutch side ponytail, my new favorite

Hi friends, Wish you are having a lovely weekend. Today I braided my hair in a side Dutch braid, then put the length of my hair in a side ponytail. I braided my ponytail in a four-strand braid the wrapped it up to make my ponytail shorter than full-length....
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