Big Curly Bun

Big Curly Bun

Hello friends,     Thank you for the kind comments on my different posts.  Sometimes it takes me a few days to respond, but please know that I love hearing from you.  Today I wore my favorite color-block top, and what better hairstyle to pair it with than a big...
Waterfall braid~ my look for today

Waterfall braid~ my look for today

Hi everybody,     Thank you for following me here and on Facebook.  Today my Facebook page reached 1500 page-likes!  How exciting <3  I love sharing hair posts and pictures with friends around the world.     Today I fixed my hair in a simple waterfall braid and braided bun, a...
Featured in Redhead Days' April 2016 newsletter

Featured in Redhead Days' April 2016 newsletter

Hi friends,How exciting to be featured in this month's Redhead Days' newsletter!  I'll include the text below <3Visitor in the Spotlight:"My name is Andrea and I have floor-length strawberry-blonde hair. I live in Micronesia, a country made up of tiny islands in the Pacific Ocean. Years ago I read on the internet...
When your hair is still wet~ a high bun

When your hair is still wet~ a high bun

Hi friends,Yesterday morning my hair was still a little damp from washing it the night before, but I managed to put it up in a high bun.  Lately I've been putting lavender-scented coconut oil on my hair before washing it, and I love it!  It makes my hair feel...
Victorian Updo

Victorian Updo

Hello everyone,     My hairstyle today reminded me of a Victorian-era updo.  I made two blossom Dutch braids and a big braided bun.  I pinned my hair in place with bobby pins and added my new bow for an accent (I love bows!)  ...
French Twist High Bun

French Twist High Bun

Hello friends,I love my new mirror, it is perfect for making French braids (and French twist) hairstyles ;)  Actually it is an excellent way to see the back of my head when I am fixing my hair~ I just set it on my dresser in front of the mirror...
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